jtitle = {{普及指導員の知識を回答可能な生成 AI のための農産物市場価値を表現するデータセットの構築}},
title = {{Development of a Dataset Representing Agricultural Product Prices for Generative AI of Agricultural Extension Specialist.}},
jauthor = {小林, 暁雄 and 坂地, 泰紀 and 桂樹, 哲雄 and 森, 翔太郎 and 橋本, 祥 and 鈴木, 雅弘 and 川村, 隆浩},
author = {Kobayashi, Akio and Sakaji, Hiroki and Katsuragi, Tetsuo and Mori, Shotaro and Hashimoto, Akira and Suzuki, Masahiro and Kawamura, Takahiro},
jbooktitle = {人工知能学会全国大会論文集},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Annual Conference of JSAI},
volume = {JSAI2024},
year = {2024},
doi = {10.11517/pjsai.JSAI2024.0_3M5OS12b01},
pages = {3M5OS12b01-3M5OS12b01},